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Know the causes, risk factors, and complications of anemia

July 3, 2024

Are you feeling tired, lethargic, and weak? If yes, then it might be the indication of liw blood count or indeed anemia! It occurs when you don’t have adequate red blood cells for carrying oxygen to the tissues. Also, you tend to lose red blood cells if it is not replaced at the right time.  

Anemia symptoms depend on the severity and causes. Various signs are fatigue, weakness, irregular heartbeats, pale skin, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, chest pain, headaches, and cold hands. Often people don’t notice signs but it gets worse with the anemia. 

As per the report published in Clinical Epidemiology & Global Health, a persistently high level of anemia is found in 53 percent of Indian women. It is a serious concern and recognized as a high burden by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Also, there are various hurdles in the detection and occurrence of anemia in the population due to a lack of awareness. Hence, there is an urgent need to prevent not only females but males too from anemia.

Causes of anemia

Anemia range from mild to severe one and the therapy depends on its causes. We are discussing the different types of anemia with their specific cause.

  • Iron deficiency anemia- It is caused due to the shortage of iron. Bone marrow needs iron for the synthesis of hemoglobin. In this condition, the body is not able to produce sufficient red blood cells. This kind of anemia is quite common in pregnant women. Also, the conditions like heavy menstrual flow, stomach ulcers, cancer in a large bowl, and intake of regular pain relievers result in inflammation of the stomach and blood loss. 
  • Vitamin deficiency anemia- The body also needs vitamin B-12 and folate for the synthesis of healthy RBCs. A diet lacking these nutrients results in reduced production of red blood cells. 
  • Aplastic anemia- It is a life-threatening anemic condition caused due to infections, autoimmune diseases, and exposure to toxins and certain medicines. 
  • Anemia linked with bone marrow disease- The diseases like myelofibrosis and leukemia result in anemia by influencing the production of blood in the bone marrow. These types of cancer can be life-threatening. 
  • Sickle cell anemia- This condition is caused by defective hemoglobin that forces RBCs to assume a sickle cell shape. These irregular cells die before time and lead to a chronic shortage of RBCs. 
  • Hemolytic anemia- This kind of anemia occurs when RBCs get destroyed faster in the bone marrow as it gets replaced. 

Risk factors

There are various risk factors that can lead to anemia. They are discussed below:

  • Lack of nutrients in the diet- Diet low in Vitamin B-12, iron, folate, and copper enhance anemia risk. 
  • Intestinal disorders- Intestinal disorders such as Celiac & Crohn’s disease put you at an increased risk of anemia.
  • Menstruation- The females who don’t have menopause have a high probability of iron deficiency as compared to postmenopausal females and males. 
  • Pregnancy- If you are not taking folic acid and multivitamins during pregnancy then there are higher chances of developing anemia.
  • Chronic conditions- The disorders like kidney failure, cancer, and other severe conditions can put you at a greater risk of anemia. Also, loss of blood due to an ulcer can really deplete your stores of iron in the body resulting in iron deficiency anemia.
  • Other factors- The history of infections, autoimmune disorders, and blood diseases enhances the probability of anemia. Moreover, exposure to certain chemicals, alcohol, and the use of medicines affect the production of red blood cells. 


Complications of Anemia

  • Risks during pregnancy

The body of the pregnant woman needs iron for the synthesis of hemoglobin. During this time, the blood volume gets enhanced with the increase in the size of the body, and the requirement for iron is also increased. The body needs iron to synthesize blood for supplying oxygen to the baby. If you don’t have adequate iron stores then you can develop iron deficiency anemia. This type of anemia enhances the premature risk of birth or low weight of the baby and postpartum depression.

 Pregnant women must take prenatal vitamins including iron for the prevention of iron deficiency as an anemia treatment. You must incorporate dark green leafy vegetables, fortified breakfast cereals, peas, dried beans, lean red meat, fish, and poultry. 

  • Anemia in elderly

Iron deficiency is quite common in elderly people and can lead to serious health concerns such as long hospital stays and even mortality. There are various reasons for anemia in old age such as diet, vitamin deficiency, malabsorption, low erythropoietin, bleeding, medicines, chronic diseases, and infections. In old age, the body loses the capacity to absorb iron properly due to GIT disorder. Erythropoietin is a hormone produced by the kidney and stimulates the synthesis and repair of RBC.  The conditions affecting EPO levels may result in iron deficiency anemia. Chronic diseases like cancer, ulcer, kidney disease, and liver disorders also lead to anemia. Moreover, severe inflammation interferes with body functions and interferes with the production of RBCs. 

  • Anemia in kids

Anemia or iron deficiency in kids can affect a child’s development and growth. Babies who are born prematurely or have low birth weight, suffer from infections, with restricted diets, not consuming iron-rich foods, and are obese or overweight are at a greater risk of anemia. The deficiency of iron can be prevented with the supplementation that can be given to the baby under the doctor’s guidance. You can also give iron-rich foods such as pureed meat, beans, spinach, and chicken. Increase Vitamin C as it promotes the absorption of dietary iron.  

  • Effect of anemia on heart

Anemia is a condition in which levels of hemoglobin carrying oxygen to the body are lower than normal. It is often linked with heart disease as the heart’s ability to pump blood and oxygen declines. If you are anemic then the body does not get the required oxygen. If anemia remains untreated, then it can lead to signs such as shortness of breath, dizziness, and serious heart issues like heart failure and cardiac hypertrophy. 

  • Depression and weak immunity

The nerve damage in anemias such as pernicious anemia can result in depression. The immune system can be compromised leaving you to get exposed to infections and the body’s ability to fight them. 

When to seek diagnosis:

It is essential to keep a complete blood count checked once every three months. It  will help you understand the hemoglobin levels in your body and also the risks of developing anemia.

It is not at all essential to wait for signs and symptoms to appear to get a periodic blood test. At OlivHealth CBC is included in a full-body checkup. Taking a complete body checkup not only gives you an idea about the blood count in your body, but also helps you in analyzing the other vital parameters like kidney function, liver function, thyroid function, and more. 

The best part of seeking diagnosis from OlivHealth is that all the health checkups are available at affordable prices and you can avail of 100% accurate reports. So, boon your tests now.


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